Welcome to Skyskraper!
Skyskraper is a production house, a holding company and several cooperating companies under one roof. Skyskraper is one of Norway's largest independent environments for development and production of advertising and entertainment.
Både Og AS Både Og Podcast Både Og Reklamefilm Både Og Radioreklame Både Og Lyddesign Både Og TV Skyskraper Artist AS IndigoBoom AS Cannibal Casting AS Digi Treat Ergo;ego AS Schweinhund AS Wirkola Casting AS Vindlyd AS Kurder King Production AS Teigen Total AS
Ownership and administration
Skyskraper Holding Geosenso AS Pluss & Minus AS Enda Mer AS Hovedkvarteret IT AS
Accounting Animation Artist Artistbooking Audio Logo Audio Recording Back Office Board Management Business Development Casting Concerts Consulting Content marketing Course and Training Digital advertising Editorial business development Event Filmproduction Foley Sound IT Support Jingle Management Media Training Movie Sound Music Distribution Music production Podcast Postproduction Radio Commercials Radioadvertising Radioproduction Service Production Sound design Sound Effects Strategy Tabletop Technical Support TV Commercials TV production VFX
Oseberg Kulturhus i Tønsberg har byttet navn til Teigen Scene
Teigen Total AS starter det nye året med "sitt eget" kulturhus i Tønsberg.
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Både Og søker reklamefilmprodusent!
Vi ser etter en erfaren reklamefilmprodusent med stort hjerte for spinnville idéer og ryddige prosesser.
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Både Og starter året med hattrick i Sølvmikken!
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